Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stocking the Store

While Uncle Rooster's is still greening up & taking shape these past weeks, I've also been trying to create everything a well appointed stockist of " All Things Air-Bourne" would need:

Firstly, Music, of course! A small but growing selection of  LPs no record store could exist without, our personal family favorites & of course copies of all my real-life musician family & friends record albums! Yes, my LPs are extra groovy....& that's just groovy with me.

 Then there were hours spent making a slew of giant out of scale push pins so I could authentically tack up some rock & roll posters....starting with The MAN in his circa '70-72 hippie grandeur!
Next, duh, it's a Head Shop.....Smoking Paraphenalia & Incense
The giant hookahs were fun, albeit tippy.
Some frustration with realism led to wild experimenting with incense sticks. Like finally trying out real granular & powdered incense.. .. & yes they burned! Quickly, and with a strong odor of toothpick!
I also gave up on having my rolling papers actually be pull-able from their packets, damn it, but many do contain papers.
The special brownies are for after work only.
 credits due:  Pink"Rooster Plate" by  Alavenderdilly  (Etsy shop)

 One weekend's accomplishments- display cases for wild varieties of papers, still too big  incense cones inside open-able boxes, various "rooster" themed  posters and a wholelottabunchmore LPs.

 Some more giant incense cones & crates, crates, crates, because more wares are coming..........


  1. Oh! This brings back memories! LOL! You've done a wonderful job recreating all the small "must haves" of the era! A few years back, I found the coolest glass mini Bongs! I bought one in every color! I will try to find one for you!

  2. Thank you Heather! It is a by-gone era! But even raised in this environment, my parents kept me completely oblivious & naive until I was in high school!


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